Who's who?


Mr V. Steensma v.steensma@mundus.espritscholen.nl

Team Leaders
Ms N. Azimi (VMBO) n.azimi@mundus.espritscholen.nl

Mr G.J. de Roo (VMBO) g.deroo@mundus.espritscholen.nl
Mr A. Maduro a.maduro@mundus.espritscholen.nl

Ms C. Ihlen (EOA) c.ihlen@mundus.espritscholen.nl
Mr R. Bronkhorst (EOA) r.bronkhorst@mundus.espritscholen.nl

Ms M. Sanders (PrO) monique.sanders@mundus.espritscholen.nl
Ms L. Buiting (OOP) l.buiting@mundus.espritscholen.nl

Reception Mundus College Main Building
Phone: 020-5854854

Reporting sick
Phone: 020-4801779
Mr S. Meerdink, Attendance officer

Confidential counsellors

Pupils and parents can contact the internal confidential counsellor with problems of a confidential nature, in the field of bullying, (sexual) intimidation, discrimination and aggression. The confidential advisors of Mundus College are:

Ms M. Damoiseaux m.damoiseaux@mundus.espritscholen.nl
Mr E. Rous e.rous@mundus.espritscholen.nl 

Employees of the Esprit Schools can contact the external confidential advisor. Esprit Schools has explicitly chosen two external confidential counsellors, a man and a woman. More information regarding the external confidential adviser can be found on Esprit's website under the button Complaints and integrity.

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