The upper years

Year 3 and Year 4

The upper years

Basis and Kader

In the upper years, all students study Dutch, English, mathematics, and physical education, as well as art subjects and social studies. This makes up approximately half of the time spent in school. The other half is dedicated to a practical vocational subject. Students can choose from the following profiles:

  • Horeca, Bakkerij & Recreatie (Hospitality, Bakery & Recreation)
  • Zorg & Welzijn (Healthcare & Welfare)
  • Produceren, Installeren & Energie (PIE) (Production, Installation & Energy)
  • Media, Vormgeving & ICT (Media, Design & ICT)

Additionally, students choose vocational projects. They can choose from projects within the aforementioned profiles or from the following:

  • Mobiliteit & Transport (Mobility & Transport)
  • Economie & Ondernemen (Economics & Entrepreneurship)
  • Bouw, Wonen & Interieur (Construction, Living & Interior Design)

For more information about choosing vocational projects, click on one of the links below:

Theoretical Learning Path (Theoretische Leerweg) Within the TL (Theoretical Learning Path), we offer two directions:

  • Zorg & Welzijn (Healthcare & Welfare)
  • Economie (Economics)

In addition to Dutch, English, mathematics, and physical education, your schedule also includes art subjects, social studies, and history. Moreover, subjects like Technology & Application (T&T), Spanish, and Arabic are offered.

Since we offer two directions, you have more choices for your further education after obtaining your diploma. If you find certain subjects like biology or economics very challenging, you have the option to drop a subject, provided you take exams in Arabic, Spanish, or, in the future, T&T.

Technology & Application (T&T) is a new subject that we can offer as a pilot school. This applies to students starting in the third year of the TL department from 2021-2022 onwards.

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